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Government Contracting Bootcamp (3.0)
Day 1: Building your TEAM
Lesson: Five must have team members
Five must have team members (slides)
HW Activity: Build out your Org Chart
Day 2: Mindset - What's holding you back
Lesson: Belief and Definiteness of Purpose
Belief and Definiteness of Purpose (slides)
HW Assignment
Activity: Review Lessons and Perform Self Analysis
Day 3: How strong is your current team
Lesson: Decision Matrix
Decision Matrix (slides)
HW Activity: Perform a self analysis
Day 4: Who's got my money
Lesson: Razor sharp activities (Part 1 of 3)
Lesson: Razor sharp activities (Part 2 of 3)
Lesson: Razor sharp activities (Part 3 of 3)
Razor sharp activities (slides)
Activity: (now put in the work)
Day 5: Writeups that get call backs and win contracts
Lessson: Negotiate to win and make money
Negotiate to win and make money (slides)
HW Activity: Put it all together
Lesson: Belief and Definiteness of Purpose
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